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Rejection of Keith Murty by Family - Peter Roy Murty & Sarah Murty Hughes.

Dr Judy Murty & Keith Murty parents of Peter & Sarah; grandad of twins Alice & Mike Murty, Manchester UK.

      Peter Murty                    Dr Judy Murty                 Dr Sarah Murty   

​Rejected by my own family of  Sarah Hughes and  Peter Murty. ​Keith Murty grandad of Sam Hughes, Woodbury, Exeter UK, and of Mike Murty & Alice Murty, Manchester UK. Keith Murty grandad of Sam Hughes, son of Sarah Hughes, family, Woodbury, Exeter. Peter Murty father of Alice & Mike Murty; grandchildren, grandad, Manchester UK. Sarah Hughes - mum of Sam Hughes; grandchildren, grandparents, family Woodbury, Exeter UK. ​ Manchester UK. Murty-Hughes family in Manchester UK and Exeter.

Family and Keith Murty - Rejected by Sarah Hughes & Peter Murty!

Keith Murty family & grandfather, grandad of Sam Hughes; Woodbury, Exeter UK. ​​Keith Murty rejected by family; grandad, grandchildren of twins Alice Murty & Mike Murty; Manchester UK. Murty-Hughes family in Manchester UK and Exeter UK.


Please note:

Despite what is written below I have failed miserably and the loss of my family is entirely down to my monumental stupidity, ignorance and appalling behavior.


Sam Hughes, Woodbury, Exeter UK and his family. Everybody needs a family. Everybody wants a family. Families are precious and need constant nurturing and reinforcement. Families are the most important organization in the world. Your family was there when you were born and should be there when you die. Nothing is more important than your own family. Murty-Hughes family in Manchester UK and Exeter UK.

You have a family that will look after you and ensure you grow up correctly in a crazy world where death and mayhem seem to rule. The UK is probably the most sensible place in the world to live and survive in; which is why so many people want to come here. Most here people will not get involved in the death and destruction that consumes the rest of the world and its approximately 8 billion people.

Strong families give children a safe, secure place to be themselves and learn about who they are and how they should behave. Because children in strong families feel secure and loved, they have confidence to explore their world, try new things and learn. And they can deal better with challenges and setbacks because they know they have family support. So a strong family with a good moral compass of the world is essential for growing up and surviving to 110 years of age. To lose a family is a desperate and debilitating blow to any human being especially when it is done on a whim of craziness. To just say to a family member you are expelled from the family is just not ACCEPTABLE!

People go to prison for 25 years and when they are released it is their family who is there to welcome them home. People go into mental hospital for decades and it is the family who do not forget them. People become disabled, amputees, paralyzed all sorts of mayhem affects them but is the family that is there for them, that protects them and helps them. People die and are buried and it is their family who remembers them. So above all else it is your family who you must look after and believe in whatever happens. You must not lose your family and your family must not lose you.

Sarah Hughes & family. Grandad of Sam Hughes, Exeter; and grandad of Alice & Mike Murty Manchester.

   Dr Sarah Hughes   

Sarah & Peter Murty family. Grandad of Sam Hughes, Exeter; and grandad of Alice & Mike Murty Manchester.

   Peter & Sarah Murty   

Peter Murty family. Grandad of Sam Hughes, Exeter; and grandad of Alice & Mike Murty Manchester.

     Peter Murty     


Murty-Hughes family in Manchester UK and Exeter UK. So it is obvious that I have done something terrible that warrants expulsion from my family. But I do not see it that way. I have helped people, I work in charity shops, I have saved lives and tried hard to do the “right thing”. My children are the ones who are wrong just as York Court was wrong and I had to explain their mistakes to them. They are the ones whose actions are at fault. Balance their action against what I have written here. 


But do not believe me; ask your parents what it is that I have done? Why were they so horrible to me ?

Is it the horrific way I look  - my face is horrible?
Is it because I have mild Autism and Dementia?

Is it because I saved the lives of Laura and Alfie from a blazing apartment?
Is it because I ended up under arrest and went to court and was EXONERATED?
Is it because I ended up penniless and I was beneath their dignity?

Is it because I had nothing left and I simply did not have another £2400 - I had already given Peter £10,000!
Why did they not offer the slightest hint of help in all that time?
Where were my children when I needed them so badly?

How can it be that I was so right about the way I knew they would behave?
I did not know how to react and so I ran away and hid because losing my family was such a devastating blow.

Sarah Hughes; Sam Hughes, Exeter UK, & grandad Keith Murty.

     Jen & Peter Murty     

Dr Judy Murty & Keith Murty parents of Peter & Sarah; grandad of twins Alice & Mike Murty, Manchester UK.

     Dr Judy Murty     

Sarah & Peter Murty family. Grandad of Sam Hughes, Exeter; and grandad of Alice & Mike Murty Manchester.

     Adrian & Sarah Hughes     


Murty-Hughes family in Manchester UK and Exeter UK. I waited a number of years (far too many) and when I finally plucked up the courage to try to engage Sarah with a letter she promptly told me to go away. Very politely but very unpleasantly. Here is exactly what she said to me in her letter – if in doubt ask her!

“10 years ago you chose to sever ties with us and to focus on other interests.

We now choose to not resume a relationship with you.”

NOT TRUE! Ask her yourself!

Goodness me! Its not just "not true", its a PACK of lies!


But It was all my fault; I accept all the blame; I was stupid and ignorant; but even so:


Sarah got it wrong, badly wrong;

Sarah did the choosing, not me;

Sarah is the one who is full of abuse;
Sarah is always unpleasant to me ;

Sarah is the one who needs to apologize;

Sarah is the one I spent those years hiding from as I knew what would happen if I tried to sort things out. Eventually I did try and got REJECTED exactly as I always feared.


But in the end I did choose! I chose the only option available to me, and that was to survive; as I had nothing and I knew my family wouldn’t help me. How sad and horrible!

A family should not judge a member on their own thoughts and ideas; on their own preconceived ideas; the self-importance they attach to themselves. They should wait and see what happens even years later so they can see if help is needed to bring their lost relation back to them. Families are to precious to just walk away from so selfishly, thoughtlessly and ignorantly. I begged for forgiveness and accepted the blame for everything but they wanted nothing other than to get rid of me.


Murty-Hughes family in Manchester UK and Exeter UK. When DESPERATION sets in it is your family you turn to for help. The last resort, the last hope; the one thing that you never expect is to be told by them is that they specifically choose NOT to help, and will you please go away and bother someone else. The word HORRIBLE is just not horrible enough! 

Please note:
Despite what is written above I have failed miserably and the loss of my family is entirely down to my monumental stupidity, ignorance and appalling behavior.




Thanks grandad Keith Murty.

Sam Hughes, Woodbury, Exeter UK; and grandad of Alice & Mike Murty; family; Manchester UK. Murty-Hughes family in Manchester and Exeter UK.

Adrian & Sarah Hughes mother of Sam Hughes, Woodbury Exeter with family Mercedes.
Adrian & Sarah Hughes mother of Sam Hughes, Woodbury Exeter & grandad Keith Murty.

   Adrian & Sarah Hughes wedding   

    Adrian & Sarah Hughes & the Merc     

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